Laboratorio 4° Liceo Scientifico: l'insalata sotto sale!

Insalata salata

L’Osmosi è un processo spontaneo durante il quale l’acqua si muove da una soluzione più concentrata a una soluzione più diluita. I ragazzi del 4° Liceo Scientifico hanno osservato questo fenomeno immergendo una foglia di insalata in acqua salata confrontandola con una immersa in acqua distillata. Il risultato è stato evidente! Per osmosi, l’acqua contenuta nelle cellule della prima foglia si è spostata verso l’acqua salata rendendo la foglia “floscia” e rimpicciolita!

The Shrinking Salad

Osmosis provides the primary means by which water is transported into and out of cells. Water naturally moves from areas of low salt concentrations to areas of high salt concentrations. By submerging two leaves of lettuce in water (one in fresh water and the other in salt water) our 4th year Scientific High School students were able to observe this process first hand. The first leaf of lettuce immersed in fresh water maintained its form and size, while the second leaf, immersed in the salt water began to show the effects of osmosis after a short time. The water contained in the leaf of lettuce began to migrate out toward the salt solution leaving the lettuce leaf wilted and shrunken in size.

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